PocketCast Of Liberty – Changes? Yeah!


But these are good changes. Nobody’s leaving and more people will get to take part.

We will still be on Thursday’s at 10:00pm EST on The 405 Radio.

Time constraints combined with the fact that having 4 panelists and a guest was a little messy, we decided to make a strategic change to how the podcast is done.

So…..starting tonight, September 19th there will be two sets of panelists alternating every week.

Tonight….the Young Guns of PFoL will start it off.


On Twitter that’s @sevenlayercake, @mikecgannon and @im0verit

Tonight they will be interviewing Liz Wheeler about the e-book she co-authored.

On 9/26


The following week, yours truly, Amy Otto and Neal Dewing will cover the duties and that’s how it will work going forward.

We have some great guests coming up as well!

On 9/26, we will welcome to the show, senior advisor and spokesman for Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign, Kevin Madden.

On 10/3, Stephen Green aka Vodkapundit will sit in with the young guns.

On 10/10, the great Charles C W Cooke of National Review will be with us.

Lot’s of fun stuff to look forward to!