PocketCast Of Liberty On FTR Radio – 10pm EST


The PocketCast of Liberty is back on FTR Radio tonight!


Our guests tonight are:

Co-founder of The Federalist and COO of Media Trackers, Sean Davis.



Blogger, sarcasm extraordinaire and PFoL contributor, Laura Fillault


Topics tonight:

1. The Democrat Senate report on torture – Fair? Not Fair?

2. UVA is still a hot topic – Campus rape is a problem. However how much is media sensationalism and feminist apologia as well as silliness like “slut walks” and “rape culture” harming efforts to deal with it?

3. Lawyers and law students – One goes nuclear on a restaurant owner being overcharged $4 and a bunch of law students get their final exams delayed due to the “trauma” of decisions in Ferguson and Staten Island.

4. For The Record in the last segment! Each panelist gets 2 minutes to talk about whatever they want!

Tune in!