Representative Ron Paul was interviewed by Neil Cavuto on Monday night. Cavuto asked Paul about Governor Christie and his “feud” with Senator Rand Paul. Not surprisingly, Ron Paul isn’t all that enamored of Chris Christie, stating that Christie is a proponent of “big government” in the interview. The Daily Caller included the following excerpt from the video posted on their site:
CAVUTO: It sounds like you are not a Christie fan.
PAUL: That would be safe to say, yes.
CAVUTO: So, if he was the Republican nominee in 2016 — we’re way ahead of ourselves, if you’ll forgive me, congressman — but if he were, if he were, would you not support him?
PAUL: Oh no, I at this moment, he is not going to have, you know, a change of heart. He is a big-government person. So, it would be similar to, you know, in the last go around: I couldn’t endorse our candidate. But I want to change things. I don’t think we’re doing well, you know.
CAVUTO: You are sort of — both parties are sort of — sort of glommed into one another here. And I’m just wondering, there is this sort of philosophical battle going on within the Republican Party, to your point on the Chris Christie-Rand Paul dust up over how far you go surveilling people.
The two also discussed whether Ron Paul’s “internet-based news channel” could hurt — or help — Rand Paul if he does run for president in 2016. Ron Paul replied,
“I hope it doesn’t hurt him, but you know, you never know, what it might do,” Paul said. “I can’t believe it will hurt him — and hopefully it helps him to some degrees[.]” [SIC]
Ron Paul’s effect on his son’s potential campaign will not be an issue for quite awhile. But one thing is certain: Ron Paul is on Team Rand.