Target To Drop Health Coverage For Part-Time Workers Due To Obamacare

yes we cancelled your insurance


As Obama and the Democrats bitterly cling to the debacle that is ObamaCare, its death spiral continues as Target announced it would no longer be offering healthcare coverage to part-time employees.

Target Corp. announced on Tuesday it would no longer offer healthcare  coverage to its part-time employees.

In a blog post on the  company’s website, Jodee Kozlak, the executive vice president of human  resources, framed it as a positive development for part-time employees of the  company.

“The Health Insurance Marketplaces provides new options for  healthcare coverage that we believe our part-time members may prefer,” she  wrote. “In fact, by offering them insurance, we could actually disqualify many  of them from being eligible for newly available subsidies that could reduce  their overall health insurance expense.”

Kozlak added that at present,  fewer than 10 percent of part-time employees that are eligible have actually  enrolled in the company’s healthcare plan.

“Our decision to discontinue  this benefit comes after careful consideration of the impact to our stores’ part-time team members and to Target, the new options available for our  part-time team, and the historically low number of team members who elected to  enroll in the part-time plan,” Kozlak continued.

The company’s new policy  goes into effect on April 1, 2014. Consumers have until mid-March to sign up for  ObamaCare to be eligible for coverage this year.

If only someone had warned us that we couldn’t keep our health care policies if we liked them…