Last year’s recipient of “The Lyingist, Liar that Lies” award is in the running for a repeat this year.
President Pivot took his laser-like focus off jobs so that he can jet set across the country and attend several fundraisers yesterday, at the taxpayer’s expense, naturally. At one event that garnered $10,000 a person to $32,000 a couple, the president spoke of those evil Republican Hostage Takers in Congress. Let’s take a look at the money quote, shall we:
“Here’s what’s more disconcerting. Their [Republicans] willingness to say no to everything — the fact that since 2007, they have filibustered about 500 pieces of legislation that would help the middle class just gives you a sense of how opposed they are to any progress — has actually led to an increase in cynicism and discouragement among the people who were counting on us to fight for them.”
–President Obama, remarks at a DCCC dinner, May 7, 2014
Survey says?
The Pinocchio Test
On just about every level, this claim is ridiculous.
We realize that Senate rules are complex and difficult to understand, but the president did serve in the Senate and should be familiar with its terms and procedures. Looking at the numbers, he might have been able to make a case that Republicans have blocked about 50 bills that he had wanted passed, such as an increase in the minimum wage. But instead he inflated the numbers to such an extent that he even included votes in which he, as senator, supported a filibuster.
Four Pinocchios
Somewhere Rep. Joe Wilson is smiling to himself and thinking “I told you so!”